We know change we must, and 2010 presents an opportunity. However, with a little over a year from elections, we still do not know who or where our real leaders are. We do not even have a glimpse of what the real issues are. With more than 90 Million Filipinos, why can’t we find even a few among us who can lead the country to the clamored change?
Now, Lead Philippines (www.leadphil.blogspot.com) has teamed up with Di Duwag ang Pilipino (www.diduwagangpilipino.com) to produce a weekly radio program that will:
- Discuss in pressing details poverty brought about by graft and corruption
- Interview potential leaders on their ideas on solutions to poverty and how to stop graft and corruption
- Expose fake leaders from real leaders by challenging their ideas in an open dialogue
If you:
- are a Filipino citizen, 18 years of age or above,
- have high level of intelligence and maturity,
- speak/write fluently and confidently both in English and Filipino,
- are aware and concerned of national issues,
- have an open, independent and critical mind,
- believe that you can do a better interview than most in the mass media, and
- have an extreme desire to see a better Philippines.
Stop complaining about your country now… Join us and be part of positive change!
Send us an email with your resume and contact information: